Membership Information
About Our Club
Membership Information
Rotary Structure: Rotary International, Districts and Clubs
Rotary International:
- Rotary International is the association of Rotary Clubs worldwide. The administration of Rotary International is managed by officers, directors and committees from throughout the world. Yearly, Rotary International holds a convention in various countries to stimulate, inspire and inform all Rotarians at an international level, to motivate them to develop Rotary at the Club and District levels.
- Districts
- Rotary International groups clubs into districts to make local administration easier. There are over 500 districts throughout the world, with a range of between 45-60 clubs each. Each district is led by a Governor, who is assisted by other officers. The annual District Conference emphasizes fellowship and a chance to share ideas, as well as a place to conduct District business. The Saratoga Springs Rotary Club is part of District 7190.
- Clubs
- There are approximately 1.2 million Rotarians working in some 33,000 Rotary Clubs in 200 countries and geographical areas worldwide.
Your Obligations in Rotary
- As a fellowship and service organization, Rotarians count on one another to contribute their time to weekly meetings, committee work, and service events. 100% attendance is urged and honored in Rotary. Try not only to attend all the meetings, but also to stay for the full program and give each speaker your complete attention. See the Attendance Policies for a detailed explanation.
- Participation
- To be a Rotarian, you must give of your time and talents: in community work, in social functions, in Club and District Activities. Each Rotarian is expected to serve on at least two committees.
Financial Commitments:
- Saratoga Springs Rotary members can expect the following financial obligations:
- Initiation fee: $35
- Annual dues: $160 (payable annually in July, or in two installments if preferred)
- Meals: $12/week (plus optional 50/50 tickets at $1 each)
- Social Events: varies
- Additionally, each Saratoga Springs Rotarian is asked to consider making an annual donation to the Rotary Foundation, to promote Rotary International's charitable work throughout the world. Rotary International suggests a minimum $100 per year donation from each Rotarian, though all amounts are welcome and further the Foundation's educational, cultural, and humanitarian work.
Attendance Policies and New Member Induction Procedures
Rotary International Attendance Requirements:
- These requirements are stated in the Rotary International Constitution. Failure to meet these attendance requirements will be considered a resignation that must be accepted by the Board of Directors.Attending 60% of the regular meetings of the local Rotary Club during a 6-month period with qualifying make-ups (make-ups count toward the 60%).
- Attending 30% of the regular meetings of the local Rotary Club during a 6-month period regardless of qualifying make-ups (make-ups do not count toward the 30%).
- Not being absent from four consecutive meetings of the regular weekly meeting of the local Rotary Club without a qualifying make-up (make-ups count) or PRIOR approval of the Board (leave of absence).
Local Club Attendance Procedures:
- Make-ups at another club or a District event can be done 14 days before or 14 days after a missed club meeting.
- Each time a member attends a Committee meeting, a Club-sponsored function, Club-sponsored social function, or a Board meeting, he or she earns a make-up slip that can be given to the Secretary and used any time within the 6-month dues payment period in which it is earned.
- It will be the responsibility of each committee chair to be sure that attendance is reported to the Club Secretary.
- It will be the responsibility of the Membership Committee Chair, the Membership Committee and the sponsor of the new member to acquaint the new member with these policies prior to being inducted into the Saratoga Springs Rotary Club.
Procedure for Inducting New Members:
- Prospective new member is invited to attend one or more meetings along with his or her sponsor. (Sometimes the sponsor pays for the first lunch meeting, but thereafter the prospective member is responsible for his or her own lunch.)
- Prospective member reviews Web sites of Saratoga Springs Rotary Club and Rotary International, to further understand the privileges and commitments involved in being a Rotarian.
- If joining Rotary is of interest, prospective member completes application and gives to Membership Chair or other Membership Committee member in Chair's absence. Initiation fee is due along with signed application.
- Membership Chair and other Membership Committee members meet with prospective member to discuss Rotary, eligibility, privileges and responsibilities.
- Membership Chair and committee review for acceptability and eligibility and give application with check to President and Secretary with recommendation.
- President will "post" prospective member for two consecutive weeks, to allow time for any comments from Club members regarding their past association with the individual.
- Assuming no objection from Club members, prospective member is inducted at the next business meeting.