Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs

The 65+ members of the Saratoga Springs Rotary Club meet every Wednesday for fellowship, luncheon, and an informational program. These weekly gatherings are the launching point for the Club's community service activities, including funding for local organizations and youth scholarships. The Club's annual Home & Lifestyle Show is the major fundraiser. Other important activities include service events where club members help an organization accomplish a major clean-up or construction task, cultural exchange programs, and the provision of scholarships to local students. Saratoga Springs Rotary is part of a network of clubs in the upstate region (District 7190), which rolls up into Rotary International.

Purpose of Rotary: Service Above Self
Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

The Four-Way Test
Rotarians traditionally apply the following questions to the things they think, say, and do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary Around the World
Rotary International is the world's first service club organization. Its members volunteer their time and talent to further the Rotary motto, Service Above Self.
Since its founding in 1905, Rotary has grown to include some 1.2 million service-minded men and women belonging to more than 33,000 Rotary clubs in 200 countries and geographical areas in the world. Rotarians meet weekly for fellowship and informative programs dealing with topics of local and global importance. Membership reflects a cross-section of community representation.
The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary International, provides each year some $90 million for international scholarships, cultural exchanges, and humanitarian projects that improve the quality of life for millions of people. Rotary is widely regarded as the world's largest private provider of international educational scholarships. PolioPlus is Rotary's program to work with national and international health organizations to eradicate polio. More than one billion children in developing nations have been immunized through PolioPlus grants. Between November 2007 and February 2009, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded Rotary International a total of $355 million to fight polio, $200 million of which must be matched by Rotary by 2012.